Ice Fishing

Wednesday Weekly Ice Conditions!

A Pretty Substantial Layer Of Snow And More To Come Might Be One Of Those Years When we say there is a pretty substantial layer of snow out there, we mean it. We looked for the thinnest portion of this part of the lake, and this was it, almost a foot at the shallowest. So basically, if you are going…

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Tuesday ‘Deep Freeze’

Temperatures At -20 Perch Bite Much Hotter Than That!! Same area, similar results, just a little quicker. With a little bit if sun peeking through the blustery haze, they were a little more fired up. In the basin again and right around 36-38 feet and then back down in 21 feet. Minnow heads with these three: We also did some…

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Ice Fishing

Sunday’s Activity and Vacant Memberships!

Lots Of Snow And Limited Access Due to Snow Memberships Will Be At A Premium!! But 1st…   We had fish moving through several areas today, they weren’t stacked up but were coming through in pods and by picking off a few here and there, we were able to put together a pretty respectable day. A dead stick with a…

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