Deep Water Fishing Is On Fire!! It happens every year on Devils Lake. The weather, eventually, stays warm for a few weeks on end and the top water gets heated. The green tint starts to creep in and matted, floating rafts of solid green muck litter the surface. We have…
Category: Product Review
How To Use The DLFR Waypoint Service!
Call It My Sales Pitch To You, The Average Devils Lake Fisherman! I never consider DLFR as a business, EVER. It just never dawned on me to think of it that way. To me, Hunting and Fishing, my two passions in life, are a WAY of life. Confucius said: Choose a job you love and you will never have to…
Open Water Prep Part 3: Choose Your Weapon Wisely!
Packing Light Can Bring Success On Devils Lake! I love peering into the boat or garage of a tournament fisherman. It’s like a ‘fisherman’s porn shop’! They have everything! Duffle bags full of every lure and contraption known to have ever been produced to catch fish. Next time you see or run into one, ask politely if you can look…
The Summer Line Up- Whatcha Got!
Our Viewership Input Is Vital To Our Mission! We appreciate everyone of our readers, without you we wouldn’t be doing what we are doing. We value every opinion, every piece of constructive criticism, and even the destructive criticism. It all make DevilsLakeFishingReport better for everyone. We are working on setting up our Summer Posting schedule. We had a pretty good…
Monday Weekly Fishing Report #6-Walleye Alert
Too Cold To Perch Prospect, Hit A Walleye Honey Hole -50 wind chill is not the ideal weather for drilling 100 holes. The idea of this has me dreading going out there, so we changed gears for the weekend and decided to hole up on a traditional Walleye Honey Hole to see if we could still get in some good…