Sometimes I go out there and I am super picky, only keeping a certain range sized fish. Had clients today that only wanted the quality, 16+ inch fish. I gladly take on those challenges fully knowing that we always don’t get enough to fill the limit. We were close and only ended up having to keep 1 under that was…
Wednesday Waters and Today’s Trip!
Hammered Silver Was Our Only Salvation! The Where! We were East today, as we never want to work just one section of the lake too much. We had a narrow window with having to run kids around to different activities and the higher winds kept us in sheltered areas. That old shoreline, white line is still playing a factor in…
Monday Weekly Fishing Report: July 18th, 2022!
I GOT To Go Back To Work Today!! Sometimes you will hear people grumble about coming off of vacation time or a long weekend, dreading about going back to work. I just came off of some time away from guiding and I didn’t HAVE to go back to work with clients, I GOT to go back to work with clients. …
The Day Has Come!!
If you have read us and been a viewer of Devils Lake Fishing Report for any period of time, you will know that I don’t do anything halfway. I don’t think that the success of Devils Lake Fishing Report would have happened without this intrinsic drive. Even when I have had a bad day out there, I’m still pushing myself…
Walleye Alert!!
Now THAT’S A Table!! Our ‘vacation’ is over so we were back to work with clients in the boat and our 2-week search worked wonders. It is a wonderful thing to just have time to search the lake and get things dialed in, it also helps that this lake is HOT, HOT, HOT right now. Some days, needing 30 fish,…