How The Bite Can Be So Moody! From This…. To This…. In the span of 24 hours, same exact spot! Marked about the same amount of fish, yesterday they just wouldn’t do it. Crazy how moody these fish can be. Good Luck out there! DevilsLakeFishingReport! Fishing Into Catching! Since 2016!
Wednesday Ice Report!
Warm Weather Had The Snow Settling Not Enough To Drive All Over Yet! These warm temperatures the last few days has really knocked down that snow. Now I am not saying that it is time to be running willy nilly everywhere, but we are getting closer to being able to drive around a little again. With a good strap and…
Monday Weekly Fishing Report- February 6th, 2023
Going To The Depths! With Some Shallows In The Mornings! As the calendar changed to February and the days are getting longer, the ‘winter doldrums start to kick in. I actually love fishing in February as over the years, we have had some of our most memorable bites in this month. In December and January, at times it can seem…
Couple Of Starting Ideas!!
Fishing Report On Monday But Some Ideas For Your Sunday! Good Luck out there! DevilsLakeFishingReport! Fishing Into Catching! Since 2016!
Wednesday Ice Report!
Slush Spots Lingering But Not As Much Of A Problem! Getting thicker, 24 inches and growing so our ice is in good shape for a season well into March and hopefully even April. The slush spots that were really starting to become an issue have started to firm up with this cold snap so we have less to worry…