It’s Time To Get Back After It 110%!!!!! Perch! Again, we are seeing almost all of our fish in that 30-36 feet and then a little deeper into the 40-42 feet. On days when they are on the feed, buckshots and coffin spoons tipped with a minnow head is the best bet. When they are docile and not as active,…
Snow and Repairs!
The Snow Has Make Everything Real Tough! With a Snobear in the shop, a whole lot of snow, and more on the way; we will bring you the regular report on Wednesday and pray that this next batch of snow misses us. We are also still recovering a little from our unfortunate health issues this fall and will be at…
Tuesday Report! March 7th, 2023!
Another Week Of Guiding Then We Will Be Back For You, The DL Do-It-Yourself Fishermen FULL TIME!! Perch! Funny how this time of year, there is a definite ‘range’ where we are finding most of our Perch. 33-39 feet of water seems to be kind of a ‘money’ range right now. All across the basin except for the flats, it…
Time To Start Planning For Open Water!!
Never Too Early To Book That Trip!! Spring is coming, trust us!! It might not seem like it by the weather or the amount of snow on the ice, but it will be gone before you know it and we want to see you out on the water this Spring and Summer! As soon as those snow geese come through,…
Monday (Tuesday) Weekly Fishing Report- February 28, 2023!
Back For The Stretch Run We had to take a couple of weeks off from posting, we were still serving our members but active posting was on the back burner. I do not feel the need to substantiate some of the things that have been occurring and the only option is to ignore. The good lord says that if you…