Fishing Report

Spring Is In The Air– FINALLY!!

And The Fish Are Ready!!   Not a limit, not even on the Pike, I didn’t plan on being out there that long but ended up catching a couple, so I kept at it. Only reason I quit was because the pike robbed me of the only 2 jig head’s I had on me.  Have to always remember to be…

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Monday Weekly Fishing Report- April 17th, 2023!

Ice Is Getting Suspect But… Still Fishing Opportunity   The beauty of North Dakota’s fishing season is that it never closes. When the ice deteriorates to the point where it is not safe anymore, it is time to break out the long rods and fish from shore! Even though some would like our season to close for the spawn, myself…

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Ice Fishing, Uncategorized

It’s Not Over, But…

The end is near, even though there is a lot of ice left, and the snow is dwindling, as happens sometimes; our seasons will intermingle, and we will be forced to turn to the ‘White Devil’. There is probably a good week to a week and a half left of pretty safe ice out there and if we get a…

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