Devil’s Lake HARDWATER 101 Part 1: Devil’s Lake Ice Fishing trends: There are so many opportunities on Devil’s Lake for the Hard Water Fishermen that even for those of us who live here, it is hard to get it all in over the course of the Hard Water season. They range from shallow water Walleye and Pike action in the…
Recipes Become a Weekly Episode
Recipes Become a Weekly Episode on Devils Lake Fishing Report As I mentioned in last week’s report, preparing wild game has become something of a hobby, if not obsession for me. There is only so much crock-potted cream of mushroom soup, garden vegetables, and goose or duck breasts that one person can eat. Fried fish is great, but even the most…
Getting Ready for Ice Fishing: What you Should Know
Ice Fishing Readiness- What You Should Be Doing Now to Be Ready Few things in the outdoors get my heart pumping and turn me into a little kid again like a ‘christmas tree’ vexilar bottom eruption of Devils Lake Jumbo Perch in 35 feet of water. The hook set, reel in, unhook, rebait, drop as fast as you can sequence…
Report 20- Epic News- You Heard It Here First, Or Maybe Not!
New Location for One of This Weeks Troll Lines May Surprise Some, Thrill Others Fishing A pleasantly surprising and beneficial development opened up for us this last week. Boy, oh boy, was it the right decision to explore this possibility. Within 30 seconds of dropping the spinners down the fish were on it. Two releases and a limit of fat…
Report 19: The Excitement of Youth and Renewed Perspective
Late August Transitions and the Balance of Time This time of year as the days shorten, the hornets get riled and start looking for meat, making cleaning Canada geese an exercise in Russian Roulette, and temperatures start to swing, two things start to occur in my life. Number one, my chunks of free time start to get divided up into…