Birds Come And Go…..The Goal Stays The Same! With the Full Moon last week, the loss of some of our local ducks, and strong southerly winds keeping a bird push at bay, hunting up on the Northern Tier was pretty tough for the field hunters the end of last week into Sunday. The wind finally switched a little and the…
Thursday Weather And Solunar Report
Full Moon Cycle- Great For Fishing, But The Ducks Feed All Night!!! Is It Friday?? Oops, Where did the time go, it flies when you are having the time of your life. Sorry for the lateness of this report. But, here it is, your ‘Thursday Weather and Solunar Report’!! Day Hi/Lo …
DLFR Migration Report 2017 Vol. 3
And It Begins… With the onset of this past weekend we saw the opening of the 2017 North Dakota Non-Resident Waterfowl Season. The Duck Boat parade from the East was on in all of its glory. We had a wonderfully windy Saturday morning and the birds did not let us down. Our 3-man limit of ducks was acquired in…
Thursday Weather and Solunar Report!!
Fall Comes To The Northern Tier- Weather Like It Should Be In September and October Day Hi/Lo Wind Rain Chance Thur. 9-28 66/36 N11 10% Fri. 9-29 61/44 …
DLFR Migration Report 2017 Vol. 2
Rain Rain Rain Birds that is, the report we were getting from a lot of resident groups on Saturday, after the hunt, was that along with the natural precipitation, it was raining ducks as well. We were able to put together a 2-man limit of ducks Saturday with 5 bonus Honkers. Many other groups reached or came close to reaching…