The DLFR Effect! We love fishing Devils Lake! It is such a wonderful fishery. So many things that you can do all on one body of water: Fish Structure for Walleyes Fish Flooded Timber for Perch Fish Sunken Flats for Perch and Crappie Tip-Up Fish the Shallows for Big Pike Run and Gun for Massive Jumbo Perch Schools Grind on…
2017-2018 Monday Ice Fishing Report: Chapter 8- January 1st
Perch Clouds On A Very Cold Day! With the onset of this massive cold front, we were very skeptical of whether or not we would run into any willing fish or not. A lot of times, big cold fronts have negative effects on the bite. The first day of the massive front seemed to justify our worry as…
Perch Alert!!!
Perch Alert!! Cold Front Perch School. Found some good Perch in 22-27 feet of water. Today, slip bobbers with minnows was better than jigging, two days ago it didn’t matter. Cold front Perch bite so who knows what tomorrow will bring but you still have to try. Good Luck Out There! Hold On To Your Rod And……
How About Those VIKINGS!! In hopes of not alienating our Packer supporters to the East, I still must say: I am a diehard, tortured, embattled Vikings fan!! From the times that I can barely remember, I have cheered for our lovable losers to the east. Here in North Dakota we have no NFL team. Popular joke is: Why doesn’t North…
BIG PIKE Alert!!
We don’t often chase pike on Devils Lake, and when I say ‘don’t often’ I mean never. However, sometimes when chasing Perch in the shallower depths these behemoths will be found. We were in 19-23 feet of water with light tackle and we lost a couple big ones, landed a few smaller ones and fought both of these for 10-15…