Getting Better! Almost A Foot! Slowly but surely, we are making our way to a foot of ice. We had 11 inches in every hole we drilled today and that is good news. Quite a few spots now are getting to that 1-foot range and a few might be a little bit over that, add to that that we are…
Category: Ice Fishing
Slowly Getting Better!
Not Quite There Yet Though!! One shallow, one deep, and a whole bunch of fish that just wouldn’t bite. We got some to do it, just not enough. At times we were lit up, 5-6 feet of fish and they would just yo-yo. Maybe the wind tomorrow will get them fired up. However, relying on a weather change doesn’t…
Wednesday Weekly Ice Conditions: December 20th, 2023
We Continue To Stress Caution That pic is about as thick as we have found out there, maybe an inch thicker up north, but 10 inches is about it, as you go east it gets thinner and thinner. In the 4 areas we have been to the last 4 days out west, we have seen or been reported to of…
Monday Weekly Fishing Report: Dec. 18, 2023!
We Love TOADS!! What A Week! What we can tell you is that it was under 20 feet of water and the fish weren’t stacked but they would come through in batches of 3-4, early on usually we would get 1 or 2 to bite, after 10 a.m. it got pretty tough. Both bobbers and Coffin Spoons were effective. Under…
Wednesday Weekly Ice Conditions/Jumbo Alert!!
Getting There Slowly!! From Quad Time To Open Water All On 1 Lake SO the last 3 days, we have had 3 inches, 6 inches, and now 8 inches of ice. On a drive today and there is even some open water out on the main bay. If you are going to go out there, please drill, drill, drill.…