Gin To Tinted To Chocolate Milk Going from Gin Clear to a Slight Green tint to a Chocolate Milk like murk can have different effects on fishing. The high wind events of late last week and then cold temperatures have left some areas a murky brown mess. It is going to take a couple of days for a lot of…
Category: Forum/Opinions
Friday Forum for 6-23-17/ Tournaments
To Go Or Not To Go- That Is The Question! I am not a tournament fisherman. That being said, I don’t have a whole lot against tournaments, I am not a huge fan of kill tournaments and don’t agree with some tournament fishermen’s attitudes that when they are fishing, they take precedent over other fisherman. I don’t really see how…
Friday Forum For 6-16-17
What Kind Of Devils Lake Fisherman Are You? There is a vast, vast range of people that come to test their luck on the waters of Devils Lake. Some are successful, some are moderately so, and some come and realize that fishing this lake can be a daunting task. Some days it seems like the fish just jump in the…
DLFR ‘Other’ Fish- My Blue Gill Fetish Wish List!
What If??!! I usually discuss a non-Walleye species that swims the waters of Devils Lake on Wednesdays. I am going to talk about an ‘other’ species today, it just doesn’t swim the waters of Devils Lake. I have a confession to make: I have a Blue Gill fetish! I know, sick, right? I am consumed with the thought of going…
Friday Forum!
What Do You Think Two questions for our Friday Forum today. We go back and forth on both of them. I’ll pose the question and then tell you what I think and why I chose that option. You can tell us if we are right, wrong, or just different and why. QUESTION #1: While pitching into the shallows and weed…