How The Bite Can Be So Moody! From This…. To This…. In the span of 24 hours, same exact spot! Marked about the same amount of fish, yesterday they just wouldn’t do it. Crazy how moody these fish can be. Good Luck out there! DevilsLakeFishingReport! Fishing Into Catching! Since 2016!
Category: Uncategorized
Wednesday Ice Report!
Warm Weather Had The Snow Settling Not Enough To Drive All Over Yet! These warm temperatures the last few days has really knocked down that snow. Now I am not saying that it is time to be running willy nilly everywhere, but we are getting closer to being able to drive around a little again. With a good strap and…
Monday Weekly Fishing Reports- January 30th, 2023!
Enter The Deep Freeze! When we really get into Winter on the northern tier of North Dakota, you know the deep freeze is coming. We have had a pretty mild Winter up to this point but the last few days, that has changed big time! Actual air temperatures as low as -24 and we are thanking the guy upstairs that…
Lots Of Perch Coming Out!!
Today Was A Good Day! Good Luck out there! DevilsLakeFishingReport! Fishing Into Catching! Since 2016!
Monday/Tuesday’s Locations!
Still Finding Good Fish Shallow On To A Different Locale Tomorrow! Periodically, we will be offering some locations only after our members have a chance to view them, we wanted to give them a sense of exclusivity. Here and there, you will see a gap in a day, and this is just why, Pretty shallow again, less than 25…