Zigged When We Should Have Zagged Or Something Like That Sometimes things are just a little off, we went there and we should have been here, just zigged when we should have zagged. With the weather coming through the next two days, we will be off until Saturday, and it’s back to searching; out favorite thing!! Good Luck out…
Category: Uncategorized
Tuesday’s Take
There Might Have Been A Fly Hatch! HOLY!!!!! Some people dread a fly hatch (Non-Biting Midge Fly for those of you scoring at home) but we love em, they really get the Walleyes feeding, and that is what was going on today. Clouds upon clouds of the little morsels. Funny thing is, in our 1st 2 stops today, we…
Slow Start/Hammer Time Finish
Locating The Pods Took Up The Better Part Of The Morning After That It Was Academic Sometimes, you to the spots where you always have had luck before. You get caught up in a routine that has worked for years. We were stuck in that rut this morning early on with nothing but Pike. When the dust settled, 57 slimers…
Still Getting A Few In The North Basin!
Lots Of Little Pike But Spawned Out Walleyes Too! We found ourselves in the northern reaches of the basin this morning and with 1 move we started seeing some fish, and the right kind. 2 19-20 inchers that were very healthy and all spawned out. The little pike were very active and we managed 4 decent sized ones as well…
Tuesday’s Take!
Coulda Been A Quick One! We coulda been off quick, before 9, but what fun would that be. We were shallow again and Structure based again and the Walleyes came in onesies and two’s. They weren’t stacked up early like they had been in this area, and all good things DO come to an end, but I think this…