No Matter How Much You Want It To Be… I Wouldn’t, Not Yet! 1-3-22 SOLD OUT There is ‘driving ATV’ ice and there is ‘driving truck’ ice. It is 100% my opinion that we are still in the area of ATV/SnoBear ice and not truck driving ice. I know a lot of you coming here truly WANT it to be…
Today’s Take!!
Seeing More Fish Deeper 1-3-22 SOLD OUT These intermediate and basin fish are an incredibly mixed bunch of fish. Small males, lots of mediums, and some Jumbos. These are roaming pods would come in and get active, they would simmer down, and then fire up again. Sitting and grinding on them seems to be the trick. It will be…
New Year, Similar Cold Front Results
Not Fired Up/But Catchable Numbers Shallow water is still the way to go for the most part, but we did mark some fish deeper as well and managed to catch a few in 30+ feet of water. We were in depths of 16-20, 23ish, and 33ish feet of water. All of these schools that we were on today were…
Spot For The New Year!!
When This Cold Sets In Sit And Grind With this kind of cold front moving in and clients with us in the snobear, we knew we had to go to a spot where we could sit and grind with a minimal number of moves. This spot is the ticket. 22-24 feet of water with Pink/White Buck Shot, Pink/White VMC…
Thursday Weather and Solunar Forecast: Dec. 30th – Jan. 5th
Weather Day Hi/Lo Wind Snow Chance Thur. 12-30 -4/-22 SSE7-10 20%Snow Fri. 12-31 …