We Interrupt This Normally Scheduled Weeds and Water Report To Bring You…. Shorelines 101 As we enter a time on Devils Lake when trolling of some sort is the technique that is going to put the greatest number of fish in the live well, we talk a lot about old shorelines. The catastrophic rise of Devils Lake created this unique…
Tuesday Waypoints First!
Premium Walleye Waypoints W/Bonus Perch! Lead Core deep, 20-30 feet. White and Orange and Silver Salmo #5 Hornets at 1.5 to 2.5 mph. Hold On To Your Rod!! And… Turn Fishing Into Catching With… DevilsLakeFishingReport!!
Monday Weekly Fishing Report #8
It Just Doesn’t Get ANY Better Than This!! When the old Miller Lite commercial proclaimed this years ago, they were trying to sell beer. It was catchy and it worked. Well, Walleye Fishing really doesn’t get any better than it is right now on Devils Lake, if your goal is to just: Catch Fish. The depth zones that are holding…
Walleye Alert!!
Full Report Later, But Hot Off The Water! Our full Monday report will come out between 5 and 6 today but with the sensitivity of the information we wanted to bring you today’s results ASAP! Pulling #4 Dalmatian Salmo Hornets in 21-35 feet if water at 1.4 to 2.5 mph. Hold On To Your Rod!! And… Turn Fishing…
Walleye/Perch Alert For 7-16-17
Lead Core Time! Lead Core troll on old shoreline ledges in 24-32 feet of water at 1.5-2.5 mph. Gold and Bleak #5 Scatter Raps and #4 Dalmatian Salmo Hornets with 10-20 foot Fireline leaders and 150-180 feet of lead core. Hold On To Your Rod! And… Turn Fishing Into Catching With… DevilsLakeFishingReport!!