The Weather Aspect of Late Summer/Early Fall Who doesn’t love these Late Summer/Early Fall mornings. Sometimes a light jacket or sweatshirt is still comfortable in the early hours of the morning as the haze or light mist of a heavy dew morning drifts away. By noon, t-shirts and shorts are required…
Feather Flu- Gettin’ Ready 101: Part 2
That Arm Cannon Can’t Go ‘BANG’ By Itself- The Right Shotgun Shell(s) You’ve done your due diligence. You have put on the miles of scouting, you have located the ‘Fowl Mecca’, you zeroed in on the ‘X’. Now it is time to party! You have your Benelli oiled up and ready to go. That lovely piece of gunmanship cannot do…
Tuesday Devils Lake Gold Mine!!
Get On It While It Is Hot!! On what was suppose to be a Quick Walleye Mission, turned onto an all morning mining expedition. Found By accident perusing ledges for Walleyes. 23 feet was the magic number and any Salmo with Blue was the color. Get them while they are hot!! Hold On To Your Rod!! And……
Monday Weekly Fishing Report #11
OOOOOOOH BOY!!!!!! What a wonderful time, late Summer. The heavy dew in the a.m., the sound of Honkers starting to stretch their fledgling wings, the snap of Trolling rods under the weight of keeper eyes. It is a great time to be alive in the Lake Region and on the Northern Tier of North Dakota. This time of year…
A Monday Walleye Alert- They’re Everywhere!!!
Absolutely– Walleyes Everywhere You Look!! Hold On To Your Rod!! And… Turn Fishing Into Catching!! With… DevilsLakeFishingReport!!