Fishing Report, Uncategorized

A Couple Of Boats Needed!!!

AO1 Kids Fishing Derby Volunteer Boats Needed! If you have the means and the boat to help out on Saturday for Carson Wentz’s AO1 Foundation Kids Fishing Derby, lets James Miles know at 701-741-0128 or drop us a message at 701-351-6414 and we will get you in contact with him. Kids are the future of our great sport! Good Luck…

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Fishing Report

Wednesday Walleyes!!

Some Days- A Target Depth Is Vital! If we dabbled into 18-21 feet of water, we caught dinks.  Wander out into the edge of the abyss in 30-33 feet and it was a pretty desolate desert.  Hit the button in 23-26 feet of water and… BINGO!!!!! This ledge and break (or as we like to call it ‘the cut’) was…

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Fishing Report

Tuesday’s Two Spots!!

A Little Lead/A Little Spinners And Lots Of Crawlers!!       Started out by hitting a spot where we knew there was a fish presence and we dropped down the lead core rods and found some success for some nice fish but then the bite waned a little.  We kept on the spot and hit ’em with the spinners…

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Fishing Report, Uncategorized

More Lead Core Monday!

When Spinners Produce Nothing… Drop The Lead Down!!   We started the morning hitting a couple fishy spots with spinners and worms and the result were less than optimal, 2 keepers and a bunch of smalls for our efforts so we decided to slip ever deeper and drop some lead down n the search for some bigger fish and to…

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Fishing Report

P,M, Sunday Trip

You Don’t See That Everyday!! A.M. Interrupted By Broken Throttle Cable P.M. Trip Success!!   Saw that Pike floating, went over to investigate and saw what turned out to be about a 15 pound pike, dead, with a big White Bass lodged in his maw.   Broken throttle cable sabotaged our morning trip but Woodland Marine and Jordan got us back…

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