Ice Fishing, Uncategorized

It’s Not Over, But…

The end is near, even though there is a lot of ice left, and the snow is dwindling, as happens sometimes; our seasons will intermingle, and we will be forced to turn to the ‘White Devil’. There is probably a good week to a week and a half left of pretty safe ice out there and if we get a…

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Ice Fishing, Uncategorized

Tuesday Report! March 7th, 2023!

Another Week Of Guiding Then We Will Be Back For You, The DL Do-It-Yourself Fishermen  FULL TIME!! Perch! Funny how this time of year, there is a definite ‘range’ where we are finding most of our Perch. 33-39 feet of water seems to be kind of a ‘money’ range right now. All across the basin except for the flats, it…

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