Day Late and A Dollar Short
The ‘Get Here Now’ Wasn’t Soon Enough
We were just off on our timing today, just too little, too late. It is so frustrating to be ‘that guy’ on the end of missing a good bite; but that was us today. We sat on fish that weren’t biting too long and when we should have zigged we zagged. We knew we should have gone sooner, and in hindsight, I wish I had it all to do over again, but we don’t. We live and we learn and try not to do the same mistake next time.
We had fish in 30+ feet of water, but the pods of fish that we were on just weren’t that active. Had even a quarter of the fish that we saw bit, it would have been an easy day, sadly that was not the case. We threw everything at them and still managed just a few bites.
The ones that we did get were on Buckshots and Tungsten, minnow heads and spikes.