Now THAT’S A Table!!
Our ‘vacation’ is over so we were back to work with clients in the boat and our 2-week search worked wonders. It is a wonderful thing to just have time to search the lake and get things dialed in, it also helps that this lake is HOT, HOT, HOT right now.
Some days, needing 30 fish, it takes 5 or 6 stops to get there. We knew these two spots were loaded though and producing a lot of fish, and a lot of good fish.
We were in 14-16 feet of water and then we were in 10-16 feet of water. Didn’t have to go deep today and our bigger fish came shallower. We got off before the heat came up and the wind died; two pretty key factors!!
The surprising thing was, although we caught a lot of fish with worms, our bigger fish today came on leeches.
Still Spinners!

I’m not gonna lie, aside from looking for some really big ones with lead core or pitching cranks, we are probably going to be pulling spinners for the duration of the summer.
Cause it just puts a lot of fish in the boat.
Good Luck out there!