Fishing Report

Search Day Gives Us GREAT Results!

What We Love To Do!!

Search, Search, Search!









With a search day on the docket and knowing that the lake has been just on fire, we set a pretty narrow ‘keeper’ slot for ourselves today.  We didn’t want the day over too soon and only quality fish, 17-20 inches long were allowed in the live weel.

That magic 20-foot depth was in play again as all fish came from 16-24 feet of water.  In some areas they were stacked up and we drove over a lot of pods of fish that wouldn’t bite when the wind went down.  When it picked back up they bit again.


Worms were again the bait of choice and this spinner was a hot one:

Bacon Makes Everything Better!

I can’t take 100% credit for this one, The Man, The Myth, The Legend: Mitch Dougherty gave me the idea several years ago and we have been working on perfecting it.  Everything is better with bacon, and that includes Walleye!!

I’ve done it quite a few times on the grill with just Walleye/Bacon.  Don’t get me wrong, it’s good, in fact better the next day out of the fridge.  We wanted to experiment a little and add a little ‘Zing’ to the recipe.  

We started with Today’s and what was left of Yesterday’s catch. 

The 6 marinades we selected were:

  • Buffalo Wild Wings Parm Garlic
  • Buffalo Wild Wings Honey BBQ
  • Lowry’s Signature Italian
  • Lowry’s Herb and Garlic
  • Lowry’s Teriyaki
  • Buffalo Wild Wings Asian ‘ZING’

Start with the marinades in a small bowl, zipper the Walleye Filets and section the back strap into 2-4 1X1 inch chunks.  We fold the belly meat and wrap that as well.  We kept the tails for later, probably going to bake it with cheez-it’s.  Once they are chunked up, soak em in each marinade for 20-40 minutes.

The key when wrapping the chunks is to fully wrap them, all sides, not leaving any openings for the filet to fall out.  Quality bacon is preferred or else you will get bacon strips that aren’t uniform and that just doesn’t do the trick.

I prefer crispy bacon normally, but when doing this recipe, you don’t want to dry that fish out so we keep them on the lightly crisp side.

Nikki and I did a separate taste rating.  All 6 were good, but a couple stood out.

My Rating:

  1. Herb and Garlic
  2. Honey BBQ
  3. Asian Zing
  4. Parm Garlic
  5. Teriyaki
  6. Signature Italian

Nikki’s Rating:

  1. Asian Zing
  2. Signature Italian
  3. Herb and Garlic
  4. Parm Garlic
  5. Honey BBQ
  6. Teriyaki

As you can see, probably won’t do Teriyaki again.  However, Asian Zing and Herb and Garlic will definitely be a ‘stock up on’ marinade. 

Good Luck out there!


Fishing Into Catching!!

Since 2016!

About Travis E

Just a Devils Lake outdoor junkie. This is my blog. Follow me for fishing reports, waypoints, and other information that can help make your day on the lake a success! Connect via Facebook, Instagram, or email. Read on for the latest fishing reports. I also offer limited guided day trips and up-to-date waypoints where I’ve recently caught fish. See you on the lake or in the field!
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