In Fact, It Just May Be Bad For Business!
It Sure Is Fun Though!!
Bad for business in the fact that it is absolutely on fire and you just may not need us at the moment. Keeper fish are out there by the bucket loads. It has become very apparent that those 10-13 inchers that we have been seeing so many of the last few years have grown up. The sheer numbers of 15-20 inch fish in the fishery makes for reaching a limit easier and easier.
Pull spinners with worms in 8-25 feet of water until you start seeing this:
Once this is found, run back over them until the required number of 15-19-inch Walleyes are in the live well. There are just so many of them right now.
Today we got ours, as you can see in 19-23 feet of water off of a point, using these:
Worms were the bait that they wanted today, and I am fairly confident worms are going to be the bait of choice for the foreseeable future.
Complete Fishing Report coming at you this evening!
Good Luck out there!