Our Schedule Is Giving Us No Breaks Fishing Report and Ie Conditions ALL IN ONE!! But First: The walleye action was fast and furious this morning and Wonderbread Buck Shots with minnow heads was the ticket. Those front 7 are STUDS!! Not 10.55’s but extreme quality fish nonetheless. The Perch that bit were aggressive, we marked a ton that…
Zero To Hero To Zero….
The Shelf Life Of Hero Status? Oh, ‘Bout 24 Hours!! Not that today was incredibly terrible. We caught fish, and some quality ones at that, but when you go from a gangbuster of a day the day before; it just didn’t measure up. We can’t control the yo-yo weather and there is no doubt in my mind it had…
Belly Rubbin’ Toads And A REAL THUMPER!!
Ya Think They Are Belly Down In The Mud? Yeah, #metoo A little bit of evidence that they have been belly down in the mud for quite some time. Finally seeing some real action down there and the egg sacs are getting much bigger and veined up. That later winter feeding pattern just may be picking up a little bit. …
Lit!! And They BIT!!
A Week Of Grinding A Week Of Searching FINALLY!! From this: To this: All because of a massive wind/blizzard like weather system that came through. Couldn’t see and had to drive by GPS on the lake, but it was absolutely worth every minute of it. Maybe Things Are Turning For The Better A Little!! All fish were caught in…
Thursday Weather and Solunar Forecast: Feb 17th – 23rd
Weather Day Hi/Lo Wind Snow Chance Thur. 2-17 -1/24 SSE12-17G26 70%Snow Fri. 2-18 …