Well Over 20 Extensions Soon In The Bear Cold snap down to 24 below, mini warm-up, now another cold front and we are sitting well over 20 inches. We had over 2 feet of ice today and about to get thicker with this next cold front plunging temperatures back below zero. Only issues nor are some of the pressure ridges…
Monday Weely Fishing Report: Jan 20, 2025
Absolute Brutal Conditions! Makes The Bite Very Tough As I woke up this morning at 4:30, I had a feeling I wasn’t going to like what I felt when I stepped outside. Something about -24 actual air temp that hits you a little different. There’s cold and then there is ‘OMG Cold’. Today was the latter, hard to even function…
Wednesday Ice Conditions Report: Jan 15, 2025
Over 20 Consistently It finally happened, 20+ inches on pretty much they entire lake. Significantly more to the West, right at 20 to the East. If you look back at the same time last year, we were nowhere near that mark. A relatively colder than last year January and we are well ahead of ice depth. Add to that, some…
Toughest Bite On DL I’ve Seen
Need Some Help From Mother Nature! I shouldn’t say ever, but it has to be darn close. When the weather and barometer yo-yo like it has recently, so do the fish. They just don’t get into the biting mood, and it makes things very tough. Last year it was the ice conditions out there, this year the ice is in…
Sunday ‘Frustration’ Day
Seeing So Many So Few Takers Started really shallow and those fish just wouldn’t bite, went a little deeper. Found fish but still no biters, it was 10 before we found our 2nd fish that wanted to open its mouth and we were only able to manage 8 all day. So many factors working against us today: Another cold front…