They Came Around Just A Little Let me start off by saying, slip bobber fishing is by far my LEAST favorite way to fish. It is way down, bottom of the list. However, there were quite a few factors that made it necessary today. First off, a massive cold front dropped the water temperatures in some places over 15…
So Close… And… Almost…
Zigged When We Should Have Zagged Or Something Like That Sometimes things are just a little off, we went there and we should have been here, just zigged when we should have zagged. With the weather coming through the next two days, we will be off until Saturday, and it’s back to searching; out favorite thing!! Good Luck out…
Tuesday’s Take
There Might Have Been A Fly Hatch! HOLY!!!!! Some people dread a fly hatch (Non-Biting Midge Fly for those of you scoring at home) but we love em, they really get the Walleyes feeding, and that is what was going on today. Clouds upon clouds of the little morsels. Funny thing is, in our 1st 2 stops today, we…
Monday Weekly Fishing Report: May 20, 2024!
We Had A White Bass Explosions!! And Lots Of Pike! Back to the main lake, we went to the east today, knowing full well that it was going to be cooler water, but we had to try. The 1st area we went to, the wind was just wrong, and while we did get 1 pike to bite, we…
Sunday, Cloudy Funday!
Sun Out = Biting Fish Clouds = No Bitey Boy, when the sun was out it was game on, when the clouds took over it was a struggle. We abandon the main lake for the shallow, warm waters of the northern feeder lakes and it paid off, like we knew it would. Something about those northern lakes early on. We…