The Summer Of ’24 Gonna Be a Good One!! The Summer Of ’23 was one of the best in recent memory. Days that used to take us until noon or 1 o’clock saw us headed back to the dock with a livewell full 9 or 10 o’clock. The fishing was one for the ages. After what we saw this winter,…
A Little Rewind Before The ‘Crazy’ Begins Again!!
Proof That I Absolutely Love My Job! Spring Snow Goose hunting is often times a boom or bust propositions. It seems like you either really get ’em, or you don’t. Early in the morning you are usually going to know if it is going to be good day or not. We had a short but fruitful season this year with…
Friday Fish Fry!
Very Average Morning The ‘Crack’ Beginning To Be An Issue At the access point, where we have been getting on the ice, the crack keeps pushing us further and further west and I think eventually it is going to cut us off from being able to use that access, just saying. A very average morning for walleye fishing when…
Wednesday Weekly Ice Conditions: March 27!
April Ice Fishing, Here We Come!! Relatively shallow again, and we stayed and grinded on a Perch spot from sunup until 11, we lost count very quickly of how many Perch and Walleyes we had coming through to check out lures out, probably 1 of 10 either were caught or we missed, and there were A LOT of those!! Less…
Tuesday’s Take!
Coulda Been A Quick One! We coulda been off quick, before 9, but what fun would that be. We were shallow again and Structure based again and the Walleyes came in onesies and two’s. They weren’t stacked up early like they had been in this area, and all good things DO come to an end, but I think this…