We Still Managed A Limit!! The Iowa Boys Got It Done! The last two days, hiding out from the wind in a place that still offers a fishable water has been the biggest ordeal. It seems like that wind just will not let up. It can make for some tough conditions, but we got them pretty good…
Thursday ‘Ready For The Weekend’ Fishing Report: June 27
Crankin’ East/Pulling West Bobber If You Absolutely Must! Are you ready for the weekend? We are, but mother nature might make things a little tough, let us help you take the searching out of it for you. Whether it be with pitching cranks or pulling spinners, we have found some good fish the last 5 days and we want…
Back To Crankin’
Eaters Out West But Some TOADS Out East! This fishery never seems to amaze me. Right when you think the time to concentrate solely on Spinners is at hand, you go out searching and have a day like we had today with crank baits! Yahtzee!! We had fish, and really good fish in 3 areas and we…
Mason Had A Sunday FUNDAY!!
Lotsa Bites! They Just Wouldn’t Hold On!! The first keeper of the day was a good one. It may have been the skinniest 27-inch eye I’ve had in the boat. All head, no body. There were 2 areas where we had some hits, the last one there were a lot of fish, they just wouldn’t hold on. It is…
Out East!
More Fish Out West Better Quality Out East Deeper than 10 feet, with bottom bouncers and spinners tipped with a crawler. They weren’t quite as active as yesterday so it took a little longer to get 5. Might need a few more degrees for them to really take off. Definitely work the trip to the eastern side though. Good Luck…