Too good to be true usually means that it is. If you have a few extra sick days to burn up and your mental health is nursed back from the brink by fishing, take that time now!!!! The weather has been on and off with wind and rain but brief windows of sunshine have allotted some epic fishing excursions. Our…
Report 2: Memorial Day 2016
Report #1: Simply stated, if you are a Northern Pike enthusiast, get here NOW. The pike bite going right now is just phenomenal, 100 pike days are THE norm, not the exception. Pitching any crank bait into 2-5 feet of water will, in short order, get you your 5 pike limit. The size of these fish varies right now from…
Report 1: Introduction to Devils Lake Fishing Report’s Website
First, a brief introduction, we live in the outdoors paradise that is Devils Lake, North Dakota. We are outdoors junkies. We live here because most of you reading this take your outdoors vacation here. This is a destination for fishing and hunting, in fact, I would speculate that right now, it is THE destination for walleye fishing and duck hunting.…