Fishing Report

Yesterday’s And Today’s Take!!

Mid-August Means Time Is A Luxury We Don’t Have!!     When the 15th of August hits, we basically go into double duty and try to juggle fishing, hunting, and still make time for Mack, Mia, and Nikki!  It is not always easy and sometimes getting these up takes a back seat.  Yesterday was rainy but we got some quantity,…

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Fishing Report

Monday DLFR Weekly Fishing Report 8-16-21

Lotsa Wind Lately!!   As early Canada season opens up this week and the water turns over, the dog-day Summer temperatures soar, and harvest begins; we travel ever deeper and find more and more fish stacked up on the deeper ledges.  We are concentrating on those cuts, the deep water breaks, beginning the days on the top edge and normally…

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