
Still Getting A Few In The North Basin!

Lots Of Little Pike But Spawned Out Walleyes Too! We found ourselves in the northern reaches of the basin this morning and with 1 move we started seeing some fish, and the right kind. 2 19-20 inchers that were very healthy and all spawned out. The little pike were very active and we managed 4 decent sized ones as well…

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Fishing Report

Shore Fishing Is Alive and Well!!

For Pike And White Bass Anyway!! We didn’t touch a Walleye today, but we sure did have our hands on some Pike and WHite Bass, they were kind of on fire in 2 different spots. Devils Lake Shore fishing guide spots #2 and #4 are hot for Pike right now and with the recent rains there is a fair amount…

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Fishing Report

Let The Fun Begin!

The Summer Of ’24 Gonna Be a Good One!! The Summer Of ’23 was one of the best in recent memory. Days that used to take us until noon or 1 o’clock saw us headed back to the dock with a livewell full 9 or 10 o’clock. The fishing was one for the ages. After what we saw this winter,…

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Fishing Report, Ice Fishing

Friday Fish Fry!

Very Average Morning The ‘Crack’ Beginning To Be An Issue   At the access point, where we have been getting on the ice, the crack keeps pushing us further and further west and I think eventually it is going to cut us off from being able to use that access, just saying. A very average morning for walleye fishing when…

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