North By Northwest Sometimes here on the Northern Tier of North Dakota, the weather just won’t work itself out. We get stuck in a polar vortex in the winter and have 3 weeks of below 30 degree temperatures, we get hammered by constant rain storm after rain storm in the spring. The past few weeks it has been wind. Not…
Author: Travis E
6-3-17 Walleye Alert!
Pitching and Spinners-Both Effective Dented Gold Spinners with leeches in 6-9 foot 64 degree water or windblown, weedy shorelines in 2-6 foot, 65 degree water pitched with #7 Hot Steel and Purpledescent Scatter Raps. The result was the same. Lots of White Tips and not many dreaded pike. To say the least it was a good day!! Off the water…
Friday- Open Forum/Guest Post
Here Is Your Chance To Speak To Us And Our Audience Friday is our Open Forum/Guest Post for the summer. Something on your mind? Opinion on Devils Lake, the state of fishing in North Dakota, one of our recent posts or commentaries, or do you have a subject that you really want to give us your opinion on, let us…
Thursday Weather and Solunar Forecast
Weather and Solunar Forecast- So Vital To Fishing Success Weather is vital to success on the water, if not just getting out on the water. If it is blowing 40 mph, you probably shouldn’t be going out. If there is lightning, stay off the water. Wind direction, barometer, and light conditions all effect fish in one way or another. We…
I Hate Pike- Today’s Feature ‘Other Fish’
Today’s Other Fish Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, I said I wouldn’t comment on pike as an ‘other’ fish on Devils Lake. However, it would be criminal not to do so, and so we lead off our Wednesday ‘Other’ Fish series with the dreaded slimer. I really don’t like pike. Just the slime alone is enough. Add to that the…