Fishing Report, Ice Fishing

Trending…….Now, The Multi-Media Mess

How Something So Beneficial Can Be So Problematic At The Same Time!

We’ve all seen it, a glorious picture pops up on Facebook or Instagram of piles of perch and the poster claims it was a buddy’s friend’s second cousin’s boyfriend’s brother-in-law who caught them on a bass lake in June.  You get your stuff ready and fly out the door cause you want in on some of that Gold Mine action.

Come to find out, the picture was from an ice covered lake three states away last February!

I recently recall a jig company posting a massive perch catch of over 100 perch on a cleaning room table back in June or July.  The posting party never specifically claimed they were recently caught or that they were even caught with their jigs.  The sentiment was implied though.

It caused a stir up here in Devils Lake because:

A.  Many Devils Lake anglers recognized the cleaning room at Woodland Resort

B.  The gentlemen in the picture were dressed pretty warmly for a summer outing

C.  Many of us in the Devils Lake area even recognized some of the fishermen in the photo as a group that makes a perennial ice fishing trip to North Dakota

We know what the company was trying to do, stir up attention for their lures, and they never came out and lied, but the implied sentiment was anything but honest.

If I post a picture like this tomorrow:

It’s going to cause a stir, cause those are straight pig Perch.  Only problem is, that picture is from 2013.

Or this one:

Yeah, February 2014.

You can see how easy it is though.  The featured picture for this post is actually from February of 2014 also.  Sorry to do that to you, but we are trying to make a point.

The old commercial about: Don’t believe everything you see on the internet,

I am not a french model!

rings even truer when it comes to hunting and fishing.

Social Media is not a demon, only used for demonic purposes by some.

Back in December, when we were just getting geared up to get on the ice, this picture:

caused a few readers to call me a liar. Stating that there was no way we were on the ice.  Said that we were posting a previous years photo to promote and stir up business.

One promise we make to you is we will not use social media for anything but honest postings.  It didn’t sit well with us to be labelled dishonest, so the next day, I posted proof:

Hard to argue the validity of the picture with that pesky newspaper date on it.  The party did later apologize and expressed their frustration with the late freeze up.  We totally understood as we felt the exact same way.

We love social media, we want to reach as many fishermen and hunters as we possibly can for several reasons:

  1. We really enjoy conversing and hearing from others that enjoy a common interest.
  2. We want to promote this jewel we have here on the Northern Tier of North Dakota.
  3. We are having fun, this endeavor has been nothing but a pure joy.
  4. Obviously business, in the end we are selling a product and the more eyes we have on us, the better chance of making a sale and helping other fisherman find success on Devils Lake.

Speaking of Success

The snow is deep out there and now today, with 40 mph wind gusts, getting even more drifted and problematic.  Drilling line after line of 10 hole sets it exhausting but necessary to find those Perch schools.

Let us do some of the work so you can actually enjoy yourself.  The last two days we have offered you two themed packages, Flooded Timber and Sunken Farmstead.  Both will assist you in eliminating some of that search.

These spots perennially hold fish. Finding them, and starting your hole drilling process there will significantly cut down on the amount of time you have to be exposed to the elements, drilling and trudging through 2-foot drifts.









Make Getting Our Weekly Fishing Reports Automatic

It’s quite simple, we will post reports every Monday for our Weekly Fishing report.  However, we also post alerts immediately upon finding fish.  So you don’t miss out on a possible opportunity, you can subscribe using your email and receive our reports as soon as they are posted.  Just type in your email to subscribe.

We also realize that there are always going to be naysayers and pessimists out there who don’t want to see others succeed.  We will take the good with the bad and keep on doing what we set out to do here at DLFR.

Good Luck out there…

Hold On To Your Rod…



About Travis E

Just a Devils Lake outdoor junkie. This is my blog. Follow me for fishing reports, waypoints, and other information that can help make your day on the lake a success! Connect via Facebook, Instagram, or email. Read on for the latest fishing reports. I also offer limited guided day trips and up-to-date waypoints where I’ve recently caught fish. See you on the lake or in the field!
View all posts by Travis E →

19 thoughts on “Trending…….Now, The Multi-Media Mess

  1. Like to be added to the emailed reports.

    And yes, I will purchase waypoints when I head up that way.

    1. Kyle, you can go to the bottom of the home page and there is a dialogue box t enter your email and subscribe.
      We thank you for your viewership.

    1. Thank you Luke, we try as hard as we can to allow you to have success on what we think is one of the best fisheries in North America.

    1. Make sure that you keep checking our weekly ice reports for the ice conditions. Usually ice fishing at that time is very good, late ice is one of my favorite times to be out on the ice perch fishing.

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