Weathered The Warm-Up
Now It’s Ice Making Time!
Temperatures are going to begin to drop again and I think we will finally be past the point of having to worry too much about ice depth b the weekend. Today’s wind kept us off the lake and the Vikings game was calling my name yesterday. Sam Darnold doing Sam Darnold things again!! With August at hope tomorrow, we will be getting back on the ice for a pretty long stretch starting on Wednesday, just in time for a pretty good cold snap. Nothing like fishing a cold front!
We were seeing everything from 2 inches to reports say up12 inches up north. Pretty good start for a snowless foundation. Just hope that nasty pressure ridges don’t start popping up everywhere
Our best fishing depths have been in the 15-25 foot range for perch and under 10 for Walleyes. Pretty standard for this time of year.
Good Luck out there!