If Your Only Gonna Get A Few
Make Em Good Ones!
The ice is good, no sun today so it stayed that way, and we were able to hook into a few really good Perch and some eater Walleyes. Every year it seems at this time the topic of conversation is the ice and landing conditions. We have weathered the storm so to speak as far as the recent warm spell and we should be good to go for at least this week.
The key for us today was stick with the plan, we started out on the old shoreline and landed 3 good Eyes, then proceeded to the abyss and found some Walleyes there as well along with some Toad Perch for our troubles.
The ice is going to be day-to-day from here on out and we will try to keep you abreast of any developments in that regard. I know a person passed away in the SE corner of the state this past weekend and we never want to hear that. Stay safe out there and remember that no ice is safe ice.
Good Luck out there!