Vacation Hit Just Right
Now It’s Back To It
Before we left, it was 50 degrees, mild, and there were ducks and geese everywhere. Take a week to Mexico to recharge and come back to the frozen tundra! We returned on Sunday night and Monday, Alice was all locked up, Irvine was 85% there, but the main lake was just about 100%mwide open. Fast forward to today, the finger bays and the west end, along with Pelican is locked up. Many areas of the main bay are still open water but it will be locked up in the next 24-48 hours. What a drastic change.
We have an arctic cold front beginning tonight and temps will dip, almost below 0 in some spots. Those are major ice making temperatures and things are going to start happening very quickly.

We had our 1st two days on the ice yesterday and today and we are ready to roll.

We will be offering Waypoints up until the 1st of the year again and then over the 15th of March.
Regular weekly updates for subscribers as well.
Regular daily posts will begin on Monday, after the Thanksgiving Holiday!!
Good Luck out there!