Fishing Report

Wind, Wind, and More Wind!

But It Looked Like A Fishy Spot!


With the forecast calling for a windy afternoon and only needing 5 for my guy’s possession, we wanted to get out there early to have our best chance at getting those 5. The wind arrived earlier than predicted but fortunately we got off the water before the real gusts came. The ride back in was far from pleasant but it seems lie, this year anyway, we are always dealing with a little bit of wind.

Worms and a little deeper than normal at this time of year and spinners. We tried some pitching today and managed a pike, but the bobbers and spinners are probably here to stay.

Good Luck out there!


Fishing Into Catching!

Since 2016!


About Travis E

Just a Devils Lake outdoor junkie. This is my blog. Follow me for fishing reports, waypoints, and other information that can help make your day on the lake a success! Connect via Facebook, Instagram, or email. Read on for the latest fishing reports. I also offer limited guided day trips and up-to-date waypoints where I’ve recently caught fish. See you on the lake or in the field!
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