Fishing Report

Monday Weekly Fishing Report: May 20, 2024!

We Had A White Bass Explosions!!

And Lots Of Pike!



Back to the main lake, we went to the east today, knowing full well that it was going to be cooler water, but we had to try. The 1st area we went to, the wind was just wrong, and while we did get 1 pike to bite, we just weren’t feeling it, so we went to location #2. We hadn’t been there since last spring so it took a little more time than I would have liked to get the depths down, after that we were in the pike instantly. We did manage 1 Walleye, but as happens on some days on Devils Lake, the White Bass would eventually attack us.

Such is May fishing on Devils Lake, while the water warms, there are going to be days of frustration as we wait for the Walleyes to start to fire up again. 

We will be heading back to the west side tomorrow, warmer water and Walleyes that are a day further from that post-spawn lull.

And Yesterday Was Eyes Galore!

From time to time, especially early, we like to head north, the northern feeder lakes for a day of CATCHING!! These lake aways pick up earlier than the main lake, and even with extremely dirty water from the previous days wind, this one did not disappoint. We were headed back to the gravel road towards pavement by noon with a 2-man limit of Eyes, and all was right in the world again!!


Something that is becoming apparent is the fact that the Walleyes that we are getting on the main body of water, and on the Northern Feeder lates, are quite a ways further out, off the shoreline than is normal. Instead of a casting distance from shore, we are finding ourselves 2-3 casting lengths off the shoreline. Whether it be early weed emergence or forage being deeper, that has been a consistent theme so far this year.


We are full on pitching cranks right now, bobbers would probably be better, but gosh darn it I love to pitch!

That being said, the 4 types of lures you should be throwing are:

  1.  #5 SR
  2. #6 SR
  3. #6 SSR
  4. #7 Scatter Rap

Good Luck out there!


Fishing Into Catching!

Since 2016!

About Travis E

Just a Devils Lake outdoor junkie. This is my blog. Follow me for fishing reports, waypoints, and other information that can help make your day on the lake a success! Connect via Facebook, Instagram, or email. Read on for the latest fishing reports. I also offer limited guided day trips and up-to-date waypoints where I’ve recently caught fish. See you on the lake or in the field!
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