Back On Fire Again!!
In 6 out of 7 spots today, the fish were on the feed! That’s a pretty good sign as to the condition of the bite out here on the Northern tier of North Dakota! What a wonderful time to be out on the water!
The average size is bigger, the bites are pretty much constant, and the number of eater size fish is astounding!!
All’s a guy can pretty much say is…
Very intermediate right now as far as depths go. Haven’t really had super shallow as the weeds are coming up, and nothing of note in the 30+ foot zone. Seems like everything is 8-25 feet of water, and for DL that is right in the middle!
You can get away with a little shallower early in the day, but as the sun gets higher, 10-25 is a pretty good zone!
Aside from the old standby, GOLD, we are seeing a lot of Greens and Chartreuse’s getting hit right now. Pretty common for this time of year, sprinkle in a little white and a guy is pretty much set!
Good Luck out there!
Fishing Into Catching!
Since 2016!