Fishing Report

We Put The ‘High Wind Hideouts’ To Good Use!

We Use Our Own Products…All The Time!!

Today’s Use Of ‘High Wind Hideouts’ Worked Like It’s Suppose To


We would be remiss if we put out a package for you to use if we didn’t actually use it ourselves.  With clients coming off of a pretty spectacular day yesterday, and some pretty gusty winds in the forecast, we used our ‘High Winds Hideout’ package to plan our day and it worked just how it is supposed to.  It took us about 20 minutes to adjust our depth line to avoid the snag and we were on ’em. 

We started where we thought that they would be, up in 15-17 feet and found that it was just too snaggy to troll it effectively.  Adjusted our depth to 19-22 feet and we started to land some keepers.  Purple w/Silver stripe and Firetiger spinners tipped with crawlers were the two best presentations.

Another pretty gusty day forecast for tomorrow and with clients scheduled, we are going to go to the ‘High Winds Hideouts’ package to plan out our day; you can do the same with two clicks:


As we were leaving the water today, Search and Rescue, Ramsey County Deputies, Highway Patrol, and Game Wardens with 2 boats were in the area and usually that indicates trouble on the water.  We truly hope that everyone is ok.  This lake can get downright nasty when the wind kicks into high gear.  We have been in an emergency situation out there in high wind before and it is humbling and gives one an unforgettable respect for The Big Devil. The waves get big and very unforgiving, anything over 30 mph and we seriously rethink launching.  

Good Luck out there!


Fishing Into Catching!

Since 2016!


About Travis E

Just a Devils Lake outdoor junkie. This is my blog. Follow me for fishing reports, waypoints, and other information that can help make your day on the lake a success! Connect via Facebook, Instagram, or email. Read on for the latest fishing reports. I also offer limited guided day trips and up-to-date waypoints where I’ve recently caught fish. See you on the lake or in the field!
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