So Many Questions…
Looking For Answers!!
We network, we talk to other guides and other fishermen; daily. Every day, every hour, sometimes constantly. One cannot fish this lake on a daily basis and expect results day after day without a network. It is just too big of a lake to do it alone. To much empty water to eliminate in 8-9 hours. So we talk, and share what we are seeing, we discuss what we see going on and we throw out ideas as to why we are seeing what we are seeing.
In the last few weeks, within these discussions, a lot of theories have been thrown out there and some of them just bring up more questions and some of them point to partial answers. I don’t know if any one theory is correct or if a combination of factors has the majority of the fish out there in a funk. What I do know is the list of things that have been brought up:
- Weather inconsistency
- Abundant shrimp
- Lack of blood worm hatch
- Too much snow on the ice
- Combination of no basin bite due to no blood worm hatch has Perch spread out in shallow water
- Weather, weather, weather
- Have I mentioned the weather yet?
One thing that we haven’t talked a whole lot about is fish numbers.
Cause they are there, lots of them. One can literally go into any and every part of this lake right now and mark fish, and multiple fish, sometimes loads of fish. Problem is, for the most part, right now they just won’t bite.
Whether we are right, wrong, or a combination of the two; something needs to change!!
Good Luck out there!
Been gettin em with plain hook n minnow. They’ve been comin in bein kinda neggie on the buckshot n bitin the minners, jus been surrounding my jig rod with bobber rods. Been a struggle bus until I tried it